Jon has lived an inspired life and has encountered a plethora of interesting people doing interesting things in interesting places. His music reflects these encounters and time spent in various occupations, including river guide, referee, carpenter, and middle school teacher. He professes to be a pragmatic progressive, advocating for sustainability, equity of opportunity, and a greater embrace of the wisdom of women. He derives great delight but no cosmic significance from Pi, prime numbers, petrichor, the green flash, and small-town high school hoops; he appreciates a well-placed semi-colon.
Jon’s own musical journey began in early childhood, listening to AM radio, Lawrence Welk, and the wide range of music to be found in his father’s LPs. He played a variety of brass and percussion instruments in school band until he decided he had had enough of marching around in a dorky hat. He bought his first acoustic guitar soon thereafter, eventually becoming a just good enough player on a variety of instruments to be useful in a variety of bands, and to record the variety of parts he hears in his head. He knows not to play these other instruments in the presence of real players, such as guys who only play harmonica.

Jon Lee
by Erin Bucklew 2008

Jon’s music gives voice to the river and the planet.
Jon can get the Wet Dog going from the first beat. He connects our gathering to the ghosts of the forgotten cannery workers
A VERY solid set of songs. Jon takes you to real places and invests them with historical perspective and personal reflection with a sneaky sense of humor as a bonus.
Jon delivers a slice of life here on the coast, both past and present, interlaced with humor and humanity.
I can’t believe a man wrote that song.
Oh, ’wok the wok’, not ‘walk the walk’…oh, ’be string’, not ‘B string’, or maybe kinda both…
I think you and I might see that wolf story differently, but that’s a damned good song. It made me think and see things differently.